Friday, August 1, 2008

John Lee

Yesterday was July 31, 2008, which marks two years after John Lee's passing. It's odd to know that John's been gone for only 2 years when it seems he's been gone more like 20 years. I can't describe it.

Dave, my new roommate, asked me if I wanted to go meet up with John Lee's parents and Pil Ho at Signal Hill Elementary School, where John taught kindergarten for 10 years. I asked,"What's the occasion?" Turns out, the kindergarten teachers pooled in money to make a bench in memory of John Lee. What a great gesture of respect.

Here is the bench in memory of John Lee.

Here is the view of the kindergarten playground. You can see the bench slightly to the right. I was told that the location of the bench is where John Lee used to always stand when he watched the kids play.

I still think about John Lee once in a while. And when I do, I wish he was here to hang out with. A fun realization: After seeing the bench and going to John's grave site, John's parents treated us out to Korean BBQ. John's mom said, "If John were here, he would celebrate with a BBQ. John LOVED food." It dawned on me that I love food too and John's love of food made me think of his BBQ's at his place. Oh those were some good times. Here are a few pictures from the last BBQ I went to at John Lee's.

Cheers John. You're surely missed.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Thanks for that, Mikey :)