Wednesday, October 29, 2008

7 Weird Facts About Me

Apparently, I've been tagged by my girlfriend Joanna. Here are 7 weird facts about me.

1. I can't sleep with loud ticking clocks in the room. If there is one, then I'll either take it to another room or I'll take the battery out of the clock. Loud ticking clocks are my nemesis.

2. Toliet paper has to flow over, not under. If I see toliet paper flowing under, then I have to change it or else it'll bug me.

3. Dolls freak me out. I can't imagine someone having dolls. They're so creepy. Their eyes never blink and they have this fixed smile. And if I stare at it, I feel like it's going to come alive walking like a zombie towards me. I mean no offense to girls who loved playing with dolls, but I'm so glad I played with Legos.

4. I've had braces twice and my teeth/jaws/oral cavity are still messed up. Plus I've had a wisdom teeth infection that hospitalized me for 5 days. My oral cavity history isn't so hot.

5. I love maps. I don't know why, but maps are so cool. It's interesting to look at and there's so much detail. Maybe that's why I'm good with directions.

6. I won $1715 at a poker tournament. I'm not good enough for the World Series of Poker though.

7. I can't stand PLS, also known as "Parking Lot Syndrome." It pretty much drags the leaving process. After hanging out, a group of people will form somewhat of a circle in the parking lot to say their goodbyes. But the goodbyes turn into another 10 minute conversation of what we're doing over the weekend, talk about the latest movie, and so forth. Then when we're about to finally say our goodbyes this time, somehow it turns into another 10 minute conversation. I say, don't PLS and hang out some other time!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe "The Plumber"

There's been all this hype about Joe Wurzelbacher, or better known as Joe "The Plumber." He's famous on the media because of his views on tax cuts, mainly against Obama's future tax plans. Click the link to read more about him and the buzz.

But after looking at Joe "The Plumber," I realized he looks like two people I know. He either looks like the venerable Jim Luebe without glasses and the beard OR Bryce Bouchard.

Jim Luebe

Bryce Bouchard

[UPDATE] After reading my friend's (Ryan) comment, I realized I missed another person. Joe Maschhoff. Man this is a tough competition.

Joe Maschhoff

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A song I've been listening to lately...

Glory Bound - The Wailin Jennys

When I hear that trumpet sound
I will lay my burdens down
I will lay them deep into the ground
Then I'll know that I am glory bound

I'll be travelin' far from home
But I won't be looking for to roam
I'll be crossing o'er the great divide
In a better home soon I will reside


When I'm in my resting place
I'll look on my mother's face
Never more will I have to know
All the loneliness that plagues me so

So I'm waiting for that train to come
And I know where she's coming from
Listen can you hear her on the track
When I board I won't be looking back
